Tony Vermeulen
Anthony Vermeulen obtained his law degree at Leiden University in 1971. He joined the Rotterdam Bar in 1973 as a junior barrister. On January 1, 1977 he joined Maaldrink Vermeulen of which he became a partner on February 1, 1981.
Anthony Vermeulen has more than 40 years of experience as a lawyer. He has a very wide-ranging legal practice and a series of well-known rulings of the Dutch Supreme Court to his name, amongst which Kijlstra/Zoontjes (Supreme Court, 27 January 1995, NJ 1997/273), De Bruijn/Latour (Supreme Court, 3 December 1999, NJ 2000/120), Reed-Elsevier/State of the Netherlands (Supreme Court, 2 September 2005, NJ 2005/573), Credit Suisse/Subway (NJ 2013/540), Sneller/DAS (NJ 2014/428).
Anthony Vermeulen has registered the following principal legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):
Civil Supreme Court Litigation
Inheritence law
“In the legal profession, it is not just a very thorough knowledge of the law that counts. You also have to be able to convince the people you deal with, such as judges, other lawyers and sometimes your own clients, that you are right.“